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Written reports
Attending meetings

£50 per hour


There may be times you would like a written report, outside of what is provided as part of your child's therapy. This might be to support an onward referral, inform the EHCP process or to share with Education. The purpose of the report will be discussed so it can be tailored to meet your needs. The likely length of time to produce this will be discussed. 


Similarly attending meetings, such as annual reviews, transition meetings etc. 

Education settings 

1/2 session: £140

Full Session: £250


If you are wishing to access sessions for an individual child, standard therapy prices apply.


For other requirements, sessions can be tailored to meet your needs e.g., assessments, therapy and staff training etc. 

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This website and its content is copyright ofJL Speech Therapy & Associates, 2024. All rights reserved.

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